API documentation - Create short links with our free API

Developer friends, you can create your own short links for free and without registration with our API.

To use our API, just send a GET request to:


Attaching your original link to be shortened as a parameter.

List of available parameters

Name Type Mandatory
url Any URL (Encoded) / max 2000 chars yes
alias Type text 2-30 chars
password Type text 6-30 chars
expiration_date Date format e.g: 2024-12-02 15:00
expiration_hits Max number of hits before link expires
cloak bolean ( yes or no ) / Enable cloaking
facebook_pixel Facebook pixel ID
x_pixel X (Twitter) pixel ID
adword_pixel Adword pixel ID
pinterest_pixel Pinterest pixel ID
linkedin_pixel Linkedin pixel ID
googleanalytics_pixel Google Analytics pixel ID
googletag_pixel Google Tag manager pixel ID
bing_pixel Bing pixel ID
quora_pixel Quora pixel ID
android URL (Encoded) destination for android devices
windows URL (Encoded) destination for Widows devices
mac URL (Encoded) destination for Mac devices
iphone URL (Encoded) destination for (iOS) devices
linux URL (Encoded) destination for linux devices

Example of a full request

https://shorten.ly/api.php?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mylogdomain.com%2Farticle%2Flong-title.html&alias=shorty&expiration_date=2024-12-12 12:00&android=https%3A%2F%2Fplay.google.com%2Fstore%2Fapps%2Fdetails%3Fid%3Dcom.instagram.barcelona

Example of a JSON response

    "creation_date":"2024-12-24 12:00"

Rate Limit.

To ensure the stability of our API and manage unexpected spikes in requests, we have introduced a daily rate limit of 50 short link for unique IP address